My 3 Financial Goals for 2020

Every year I try to have financial goals for myself in the coming year, so I have a clear direction of where I want to go for that year.

My financial goals for 2020

  1. Start a side hustle, preferably as passive as possible
  2. Continue investing in dividend stocks
  3. Learn a new skill set

Start a side hustle

Starting a side hustle has consistently been one of my financial goals every year and admittedly not the one always achieved. I would start a side business but my discontinue it or choose to stop it if I don’t see it as a good investment for the future. The point is to invest in our future self either in opportunities or in skill set (goal #3).

Currently, the side hustles that I am thinking about are

  1. ATM Business
  2. Aquaponic business

Invest in dividend stocks

I started investing in the stock market when I first got my full time job out of college. I was actually looking for a get rich quick scheme by trading more volatile stocks, and while I did made 40% return within 5 months, I understood that luck played a big part in my returns and the 40% was not sustainable. That’s when I heard about Warren Buffet and after reading The Warren Buffet Way I became a value investor.

Ever since then, I continuously invest in index funds and blue chip dividend stocks as my part of my retirement plan.

Learn a new skill set

Like I mentioned above, the point is to invest in yourself whether in opportunities, or in a new skill set. With that said, every year I try to learn something new that interests me.

In 2018, I learn leathercrafting by purchasing cheap equipments on Amazon and watching YouTube videos.

In 2019, I learn how to blog and convert all of my notes and book into digital format.

So, these are my 3 financial goals for the year 2020. I am interested in hearing yours. If you have thought about your financial goals and want to chat about it, feel free to drop me an email or message.