August Challenge Update

It has been roughly around 10 weeks since I started my August Challenge, which was to blog once a week without any specific set of topic for 3 months. I am currently behind 3 posts but I believe that come November I should be able to catch up.

In my original August Challenge post, I said that I started this challenge instead of forcefully change my habits because I will get to pace myself by setting myself up with challenges. So, I started a OneNote Notebook filled with draft posts. My plan was to start on a post by Thursday, finalize it on Sunday or Monday and post it by Tuesday. This was working out in the first month, but then I traveled quite a few times these past months (mostly for work) and during these travels, I usually get back to my hotel (or rental apartment) late at night. So now I am left with many drafts but I haven’t gotten around to polishing it as a final post.